Frequently Asked Questions

can the cards really predict my future?

In a word:

In more words:
What’s most important is for the receiver to accept that absolutely nothing may happen to them, without some sort of action taken in order to harness their energies. For example someone may have the Millionaire’s Spread this year but they work a minimum wage, hourly job as opposed to owning their own business. Does that mean they are in a position to become a millionaire? Not likely, but maybe a lottery ticket, but don’t count on it. Perhaps an inheritance will transpire. The point is, it is difficult to harness any energy when we have not properly set ourselves up to receive it. This is why it is so important to look ahead and know what is coming our way, in the coming years, not just the near future.

You said this is mathematically based. How so?

Technically speaking, the cards are laid out in a 7x7 grid with 3 cards at the top. We exclude the Joker.
The layout, or spread of cards begins in a “perfect order”, Ace through King, starting with Hearts, followed by Clubs, Diamonds and then Spades. We call this the “Spiritual Spread”.

A “Quadration” or, shuffle is performed which creates a new layout of cards, the first being the “Life Spread”. This is what determines a person’s life path. The Quadration process is performed a total of 90 times which returns the card layout back to the beginning.

By using the cycles of Earth and traditional numerological definitions,
we develop an extensive and thorough roadmap of a person’s lifetime.

Here’s some fun facts:
The deck has 52 cards, and our year has 52 weeks

The deck has 2 colors, and we have night and day.

The deck has 4 suits, and our year has 4 seasons.

Each suit has 13 cards; each season has 13 weeks. 

Add the number values together for each suit: The Ace is represents 1, the King represents 13:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 = 91

There are 91 days in each season.

Combine the numerical values of all 4 suits and we have

91 x 4 = 364

The Joker is the 53rd card. His numeric value is represented as 1 ¼

When we place the Joker back into the deck we get

364 + 1 ¼ = 365 ¼

which, is the time it takes the Earth to go around the Sun

There are 12 royal court cards with the 4 suits of Jacks, Queens, Kings …there are 12 months in 1 year.

Perfect Order

After 1 Quadration, or shuffle

Why do you exclude the joker?

The Joker’s Birthday is December 31. The Joker contains all of the suits and numbers, yet he is none, therefore, he cannot be “read'“. So if your birthday falls on this date, unfortunately, these readings are not for you.

Is this safe and confidential? You have my birthday information.

We take your privacy and security very seriously.
Your birth information is kept in a database for future reference. You may request to have it removed after your service, however you will be required to provide it again for future services.

Additionally, we NEVER SHARE your information anywhere, to anyone. Unless we are partnering with someone and you have specifically requested it, no one will have access to any information about you.

Your information and photo may be used should you elect to contribute to our growing wall of testimonials.

Lastly, what we discuss stays between us.
Your anonymity, privacy and personal information is treated with the utmost care and protection.

Please contact me with YOUR questions and I may add them to this section! Thank you for your feedback!