The Complete Magi Card Reading

Everything you want to know and more, about YOURSELF!

Every One Of Us Has A Special And Specific Set Of Energies Supplied To Us At Our Time Of Birth
These influences are read like a like a blueprint for a house. Is it a ranch style or a duplex? How many floors does it have? How many bedrooms and bathrooms? Does it take up the entire lot? We refer to this as our Birth Card and it reveals a certain set of characteristics, traits and preferences that you have. How you express them, is what we will find out.

We are also born with an overlay card that influences how we interact within the world. Sticking with the architect’s blueprint analogy, does the house have curb appeal? What color are the walls and floors? What’s the vibe inside of the house? Is it comfortable or uncomfortable? We refer to this as our Planetary Ruling Card and it reveals how we react to, and interact with, life and the world around us. It is logical to think of it as our Personality Card, but it is dictated by our Astrological sign, as it relates to our Life Long Spread of Magi Cards.

How It Works
Each of us is born with a unique set of qualities which can influence our lives in most every aspect. We carry them with us for life, acting them out in a mundane, materialistic way, or a self-conscious, consenting manner. Everyone is in a state of flux when it comes to dealing with themselves. We can call this “operating our energy on a low vibration or a high vibration”. This is not to infer that partaking in human luxuries, money and pleasure is a bad, or negative thing. It does however mean that each of us has specific and very personal duties to fulfill during our lifetime, and tempering our behaviors may be necessary to do so.

Depending on your card combination, you may have an easier, or a more difficult Life Path than others. Each card gives us something different, maybe to work on overcoming a sense of lack, or maybe excellent luck and fortune.

Wonder what your cards are? Scroll down the homepage to find out!

We also go through repeating cycles of Planetary Periods that influence our energies. For example, Jupiter brings Blessings, or Excess, whereas Saturn brings Challenges, or Growth. Uranus rules work. Venus rules relationships. There is an overabundance of information to access, so it is critical that you know why you want this reading and what you expect to get out of it. There is just too much information to look at without your direction on what matters to you and what you want to know!

From birthday to birthday, the energetic forces impacting us always shift, which creates blessings, opportunities, changes or even endings. We have observed these patterns prove themselves true in the card spreads, over and over again.

How we think and feel about what is happening around us dictates our quality of life, from day to day… which is ultimately, the sum total of our material and spiritual contributions to ourselves, and others that we engaged with during our lifetime.

This Reading Can Help You If You Want Questions Answered, Power Over Your Life, Self Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Supplemental Trauma Healing, Contentment, Or To Create Personal Peace
Our Birth and Planetary Ruler Cards dictate our knee-jerk reactions, choices and behaviors.

Without the pathway and roadmap that the cards have gifted us, we are merely reacting to energetic fluctuations as they are occurring. This happens down to the daily level! Once we better understand how the current periods of energies are affecting us on several levels, of varying durations, we can better manage “the now”.

When we pry into our future, equipped with this new or confirmed knowledge of ourselves, we can take advantage of opportunities, accept the blessings coming our way, know when to make plans, take steps to mitigate potential problems or prepare ourselves for an ending, in order to graduate on to something new.

While we have the cards, we also have Free Will.

The Big Question is… are we living our lives with conscious competence and informed consent?

Gaining Clarity, Heightening Self Awareness Or Digging Yourself Out Of A Rut Is Going To Require Some Work
No joke. There is work to do on the path of self mastery. Navigating our own energies in a world full of other energies requires time, effort and repeated dedication to expanding insight into our selves and our feelings, in each moment of the day. How we operate our energies determines our outcome. This knowledge should be accessible to any person who wants to know what energies they inherently carry through life, so that they can decide on exactly how they want to carry them.

Whatever it is you’d like to have happen with your life, this reading is all about YOU and how to get you there!

Just remember:
Change is not always easy, but sometimes it is.
Dedication to a practice, creates habits… fairly quickly!
Self Awareness ensures that you’re living your life’s purpose so you can be “in balance” with your spirit, your heart, and your brain.

The Reading
You should ask questions. You may hope to peer into the future for answers or confirmation. Do you want to know the hand that you were dealt…. and what hands are yet to be dealt to you? Would you like to see those cards before you decide on how to play your hand?

Learn your unique energy imprint and how your personality overlay helped shape the person you are today, so that you know which direction to head in order to create the tomorrow that you dream of!

Includes Astrological work up, and an in depth examination of your Life and Yearly Spreads, provides answers to your specific questions and may reveal the meaning of other people playing an important role in your life.

Refer to thePreparation For The Consultation tab for more information.


Save $10 per 30 minutes-
Upgrade with a discounted 30 or 60 minute “Follow Up Session” any time, within 12 months, from the day that your initial reading is complete. We will look at the Yearly, Weekly and Daily Spreads as time allows. You lead the way on where we focus!

The Complete Magi Card Reading

90-120 minutes, plus recording
400 USD

The Complete Magi Reading
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30 minutes Follow Up Session Upgrade, recording upon request
$50 USD SAVE $10

60 minute Follow Up Session Upgrade, recording upon request
90 USD SAVE $10